The Bird

The bird in all of its splendor is the great narrator of the Maricopa people. As the first animal on earth he was gifted with all seeing power. I was told that once the world was covered by water and when man was created, he was living on a small island. The creator gave the…

The void

I am sure that if you have spoken with me, I tell you a lot about my ambition to write my first book. I’ve worked on it now for a few years and haven’t completed it yet. I’d say that it’s about 50% complete. Over the years since moving to Sweden I’ve been paralyzed by…

Fur Babies and Chickens!

Today, I talked with a friend and we were discussing what my next blog topic should be. I’ve spent a lot of time on my childhood this week. I enjoy discussing my upbringing, especially in Sweden because there isn’t the same relationship to poverty as we natives have growing up on the reservation. My family…


I know I’ve mentioned that the settlers of the early wild west never would’ve survived had it not been for the agricultural empire my tribes had. Harnessing the rivers in my ancestors’ time was no easy feat, and it’s not well known that some of the same irrigation systems built by the Pima and Maricopa…

Magic is in the Makeup

The snow if finally starting to melt in Gävle. I am so grateful that the Spring is coming soon. I love all the seasons but there was always something so special about Spring in Arizona. For one, it would be the time that my Dad, Aurelio, would start getting our garden ready for planting. Growing…

The Strange Girl

When I look back on my childhood, I think about what Disney princess I most related to. For me, if was Belle, from Beauty and the Beast. Why? Well for one I identified with her firstly on the fact that she was a book worm. Growing up I did not have a T.V. of my…


It could be said of me that I used to really like Winter. However, this time around since moving to Gävle I have found that I really do hate the snow. I suppose it has a lot to do with the last time I lived here I fell on my ass wayyy too many times…

From Gila Crossing to Sweden

I suppose one of the most commonly asked question about me is “What are you doing in Sweden?” There is a simple answer: Love. I met my husband 11 years ago through a mutual friend who was playing a EBM (electronic body music) festival called Familientreffen, in Sandersleben, Germany. My husband, Gustav Jansson is part…