The Accidental Queen Part 1

The first part of a series about my experience in the tribal pageant world. The struggles and reality of participation.

The Shadow Man

Childhood story of growing up in Gila Crossing on the Gila River Indian Community, with a presence known as the shadow man.

The Mesquite Horizon

I decided to share my entry for a science fiction contest that focuses on Indigenous perspectives. It was to be less than 4,000 words, so I wrote this. Even if it does not win, I thought it was great to share it with my readers. I’ve weaved together some previous blog entries along with a…

“Indian” Blood

Before I had a blog, I would often post on Facebook Notes, and this is a note that I wrote entitled: “Indian Blood,” which I elaborate on my ideas about tribal membership, community, and tribalism. Having my blog this year has been a wonderful platform for me to share my thoughts. I feel I am…

The Spirit Board

Coming from a strong spiritual tribe, I have often faced challenges to my belief system. One of the things that most comes often is my religious and supernatural beliefs. Maricopa are incredibly superstitious people, and never go without letting you know if something challenges our “old ways.” Since my Mom was in her 40’s when…

The Harvest Season

Another Halloween has come and gone, and I always feel sad about it when I must take down my decorations. The holidays are so precious to me and my family as my mom, my entire life, was incredibly festive and always loved to fill our home with decorations. It was almost like a ritual in…

The Cry

My mother, Karen, was a full blooded Piipash (Maricopa) woman, born in the 7th District, Maricopa Colony, in 1943. I miss her every day. One of the best things that she ever did was share her stories with me. In Arizona, especially on the reservation the monsoon season is harsh. It brings heavy winds, and if…

The White Widow

Summer is very long and hot in Arizona. I know a lot of people complain about how hot it is, but I’ve always been fond of the season. I guess like most kids, it meant summer vacation and staying up late. I was born a nerdy girl. There is no limit to my love of…


This year has been a whirlwind of changes. After leaving Lund in February, and to Gävle there has been a lot of getting used to. Most of the changes have been welcome, as I have had the opportunity to spend more time with my in-laws and some of the friends I left behind when I…